A menu listing and quick-links list of our Cross-Border eCommerce articles. Articles in this guide are written specifically to aid online retailers to manage operations, inventory, and payment issues and is provided by the U.S. Commercial Service.
Last Published: 8/9/2017

Getting Started - Market Research:

1. Guide Overview
2. B2B or B2C eCommerce?
3. Types of eCommerce Websites
4. eCommerce Plan Checklist
5. eCommerce Strategy
6. eCommerce Platforms
7. eCommerce Platforms- B2B
8.1 Identify eCommerce Market Opportunities
8.2 Optimize Your User Experience (UX)
8.3 Build Your Digital Brand
8.4 Protect Your Online Brand
8.5 Price Your eCommerce Products
8.6 Getting Paid from Cross-Border eCommerce
8.7 Ship Your eCommerce Products
8.8 Manage After Sales Services
9.1 Tools & Services
9.2 Barriers to Cross-Border Trade
9.3 Reasons to Buy Online

Identifying Market Opportunities

1. eCommerce Channel Options
2. Selling to Consumers
3. eCommerce Online Marketplace
4. eCommerce Market Size
5. eCommerce Consumer Behavior & Preferences
6. Commerce Platform Checklist
7. Social Media Stores
8. TV Shopping
9. eCommerce Strategic Partners

Website Optimization:

1. Steps to Create a Global Website
2. Domain Names
3. 3rd Party App Checklist
4.1 Customer Experience Management
4.2 SEO
4.3 Customer Experience (UX)
4.4 Customer Experience (UI)
4.5 Customer Experience (PIM)
5.1 Mobile eCommerce Optimization
5.2 Mobile Friendly?
5.3 Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
6.1 Payment Gateways
6.2 Selecting Payment Gateways
6.3 Payment Gateway Comparison

Pricing Your Products:

1. Price Your Products
2. HS Codes
3.1 eCommerce Tariffs & Taxes
3.2 eCommerce Calculate Tariffs
3.3 De Minimis Value
4.1 eCommerce Country of Origin
4.2 County of Origin Documentation
5.1 Customer Orders
5.2 eCommerce Terms & Conditions
5.3 Prep Fees
5.4 Shipping & Returns
6. Dealing with Distributors
7.1 Shipping & Fulfillment Management
7.2 eCommerce Shipment
7.3 eCommerce Fulfillment
7.4 eCommerce Incoterms
8.1 Licensing
8.2 Management & Compliance

Getting Paid:

1.1 Payment Considerations
2.1 Delivery Methods
2.2 Automated Export System
2.3 HS Codes: Tips
2.4 eCommerce Payment Options
2.5 Incoterms-eCommerce
2.6 Shipping Terms

Protecting Your Brand:

1. Intellectual Property
2. Minimizing Fraud
3. IPR

Country Briefs:

Country Briefs Overview
Prepared by the International Trade Administration. With its network of 108 offices across the United States and in more than 75 countries, the International Trade Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce utilizes its global presence and international marketing expertise to help U.S. companies sell their products and services worldwide. Locate the trade specialist in the U.S. nearest you by visiting http://export.gov/usoffices.

More Information

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