A brief overview of the U.S. Commercial Services Advocacy Center and its role in assisting exporters. This information is taken from "A Basic Guide to Exporting" provided by the U.S. Commercial Service to assist U.S. companies in exporting.
Last Published: 12/18/2018
The U.S. Commercial Service Advocacy Center (http://www.export.gov/advocacy)

For an exporter of U.S. goods and services, securing a foreign government procurement contract can mean more than just selling a quality product or service at a competitive price.

It can also mean dealing with foreign governments and complex rules. If you feel that the bidding process is not open and transparent or that it may be tilted in favor of your foreign competition, then you should consider contacting the Advocacy Center.

The Advocacy Center coordinates the actions of 14 U.S. government agencies involved in international trade. Advocacy assistance may involve a visit to a key foreign official by a high-ranking U.S. government official, direct support from U.S. officials stationed overseas, letters to foreign decision makers, and coordinated action by U.S. government agencies and businesses. Advocacy assistance is provided to businesses of all types and sizes. 
For a U.S. company bidding on a foreign government procurement contract, exporting can mean more than just selling a good product at a competitive price. It can also mean dealing with complex rules.


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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Market Access Advocacy Trade Advocacy