An overview of what District Export Councils are and what their role is in aiding U.S. companies to develop export strategies. This information is part of "A Basic Guide to Exporting", provided by the U.S. Commercial Service, to assist companies in exporting.
Last Published: 10/20/2016
District Export Councils

Besides its in-house services, the U.S. Commercial Service has direct contact with seasoned exporters in all aspects of export trade. The U.S. Commercial Service works closely with 58  District Export Councils (DECs), including in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, made up of nearly 1,500 business and trade experts who volunteer to help U.S. companies develop solid export strategies. 

District Export Councils assist in many of the workshops and seminars on exporting that are arranged by the U.S. Commercial Service offices, and they also sponsor their own, including Export University. District Export Council members may also provide direct, personal counseling to less experienced exporters by suggesting marketing strategies, trade contacts, and ways to maximize success in overseas markets. You can obtain assistance from District Export Councils through the U.S. Commercial Service offices that they are affiliated with

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District Export Councils