Provides references to the principal business associations, indicating which accept U.S. companies. Describes the primary roles of those associations and to what extent they influence government actions.
Last Published: 10/19/2018

American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic

The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic (AmCham CR - is a non-profit, nongovernment organization with a membership of around 1,500 top executives and company owners representing nearly 300 companies. The chamber’s objective is to improve the Czech Republic business environment and provide members with business opportunities, management improvements, and advocacy. AmCham CR is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. U.S. companies are eligible to join Czech business associations provided they are registered to do business in the Czech Republic and meet other association criteria.

Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic (Svaz prumyslu a obchodu Ceske Republiky)

The Confederation is the largest employer organization, representing members at both national and international level. The organization acts as an umbrella for 33 associations together with 141 direct members. The total number of members is close to 11,000. It regularly meets with government officials to discuss business strategies.

Czech Chamber of Commerce (Ceska Obchodni Komora)

The Czech Chamber of Commerce creates and supports opportunities for business and promotes the strengthening of relationships with other chambers. Currently, the Chamber has more than 15,000 members organized into 62 regional chambers and 110 branch associations. The Chamber meets with other associations in order to exchange views.

Prepared by our U.S. Embassies abroad. With its network of 108 offices across the United States and in more than 75 countries, the U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce utilizes its global presence and international marketing expertise to help U.S. companies sell their products and services worldwide. Locate the U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist in the U.S. nearest you by visiting

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Czech Republic Trade Associations