Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE) is a directory of U.S. products presented on local U.S. Commercial Service websites. This article details the process and is part of "A Basic Guide to Exporting" provided by the U.S. Commercial Service to assist companies in exporting.
Last Published: 10/20/2016
Featured U.S. Exporters (export.gov/fuse)
Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE) is a directory of U.S. products presented on local U.S. Commercial Service websites. It gives your company an opportunity to target markets in specific countries in the local language of business. This service is offered free of charge to qualified U.S. exporters seeking trade leads or representation in certain markets. To find out if your company qualifies and to request a free listing, visit 1.usa.gov/1yIJRks.


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